
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Weekly Missive [Mews frum CAAWS! ~Bob]

Tihs mesich iz frum owr furrens at CAAWS. [you kno, the plays w'er Winston camed frum. We wont hol' it aginst tehm.]~Bob
First up, news and housekeeping:

Thanks to ASPCA's Petrie Grant recently awarded to Companion Animal Alliance, foster adoptions through April 30 this year over the number of foster adoptions during the same period last year will earn $50 for CAA in grant funds.  This applies to any adoption by a volunteer foster who finds the home and processes the adoption without the dog returning to the shelter, either through offsite events or personal networking.  We thank each and every foster parent and encourage more members of the community to sign-up!  Fostering saves lives!  If you are interested, please contact CAA at {}.

MARCH MADNESS:  HOUNDS ON THE REBOUND!  Mar. 1 – 31 all dogs over 40 lbs are ½ price ($40), including vaccinations, microchip and spay/neuter.   (Purebreds excluded.)  Please spread the word.  The flier is attached again to forward, print and share.

ST. CATRICK'S DAY is coming up!  March 14-18 any Project Purr or CAA kitty cat adoptions receive a free office visit and consultation inside the Petsmart Millerville.  The flier will be on our Facebook page and attached to next week's missive. Thank you, Petsmart!

Next up:  Can you help?

1/ Copies, anyone, pretty please

2/ Shelter needs office help

3/ Shaw Center - fosters and volunteers needed

4/ Government St. Super Sale - fosters and volunteers needed

5/ Thursday afternoon photos

6/ Wish List

7/ Orientation – April sign-up

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1/ Fliers to hand out –  is there anyone who could make us a stack of copies for the March Madness promotion?  We need them for the shelter and the offsites.  Please and thank you!

2/ Office help needed!  If you love animals and want to volunteer, but haven't attended orientation, or would prefer to give in a non-contact way, there is a place for you!  CAA desperately needs office assistance – answering the phone, retrieving messages, filing documents, unfolding newspapers, and more.  This job is open 11am – 5pm 7 days a week.  We'll be glad to take whatever you can give!.  No badge required.  Reply to this email for more information.

3/ Shaw Center offsite Sunday 1p – 4p - CAA and Friends are listed as sponsors of the Skippyjon Jones show at the Manship Theatre on Sunday.   (Nice PR!)  CAA is looking for temporary cat fosters and/or volunteers to man the table and hand out brochures.  Friends has 5 dogs lined up.  We have a few kittens on the way (thank you, Katie!), but would love more.  Reply to this email for more information.

4/ Government Super Sale this weekend!  Can anyone sign up to man our table or bring temporary foster animals to this fun event?  We have lots of brochures to hand out and would like to have cats/dogs for adoption.  The schedule will allow for both this and Orvis.  Part of the proceeds are going to CAA!  We thank the organizers for their support of our mission. ( Respond to me if you can help.

5/ Petfinder photographers come Thurs. afternoon starting at 4p. We have badges to help pull the animals so photographers with no badge can take pictures.   Fun!

6/ Our wish list is still going strong and we thank you!  You can order these items or bring them by.

7/ Mark your calendars now for the April orientationTues., Apr. 2, 6pm at the shelter.  RSVP strongly suggested!

As always,






Cathy Coates

Volunteer Coordinator

Companion Animal Alliance

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