
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Thers lotsa warmz outside.  W'en Poppa's home he keeps tha air reel cool. Ai has 2 find warmz outside on da patio. Tha concrete haz lots of warmz. I skrechout on it & warmz my ribs on 1 side then tha udder side. Ai lykes my warmz.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sexy Bedruum Pikchurs

Herman's Brudder

Mai mom went outside wit me 2day. She's been gittin' home urly b'coz regler skool iz ober & now the li'l kitteh pipples haz summer skool. So we went outside 2gedder b'coz da hows was hot. She tol' me a mn wuz coming 2 fix da hows cooler. So Ai chill under a patio cher.
Uh oh! Herman is out der. He calld me ober. Sez he gots sumbuddy fur me 2 meet. Here he iz on da udder side of da pool. He a tiny Herman!

"Dat's mai brudder Sherman," he tell me.
 "He kinda cute!" I say. "Wunner w'at he tays like?"

 Den Sherman scream, "AGH! CAT!" and he jump in da pool.

Da reeel rain came and me & mom went inside. Herman sat out in da rain singing frog songs.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So Hot

Ai lykes hot. Ai lykes hot on da patio. Da sun makes warmz on it & Ai skrech out n da sun puddles. W'en Ai gits all warmzed up it's time 2 go indside n da coldness. Ai notice w'en Poppa is home tha hows has more coldness & Ai has to go outside to gits more warmz.

.Herman sez dat iz why he iz in da pool. If he comes out to talk closer wif me he will have 2 much warmz & dry. He no lyke warmz & dry.  Dat's rite! Herman is back! He was gone some more 2 da place where if cats kno 'bout it dey mus' be kilt. Ai dunno where dat is.

Der wuz reel rain w'en da sun wuz almos' gone. W'en  wind was slow Ai went 2 see da pool (Ai dont mind a li'l rain). No Herman. So now he is back. His tummy was full from li'l moskeeetoes & li'l moskeeetoes eggs. Mai mom take a pikchur.  See, Herman sitz on da side of da pool. Dat water pump is sittin' up so he cant sitz on it. If Ai come too close he goes swimmin.'

Ai wus 'bout 2 ask Herman to let me test out his warmz & dry wif a lick on his noes. But the Poppa went in da hows & da bad  jay birds come out! They fuss a lot skreeemin', "Cat Caaaaaaat!!!! Cat! Caaaaaat!"

So I squeeez out da fence to da carport. Ai dont like da carport w'en da carz is on. But they off, so Ai sitz bai da door. Ooooo. Maaaaaiiii, da floor on da carport haz...WARMZ!!!! Gud for skreching out while Ai keep 1 eye & 1 ear pointed at da kitchen door in case mai pipple opens da door 2 let me in.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yesserday wuz mai burfday. Ai am 17 yers old or az Franch cats sez "Ai haz 17 anz." Yes, Ai am kulchurred cat.

Ai gots sum new turkey gravy food wif a burfday candle in it. Ai don't ker 4 candles but Ai lives for turkey gravy catfood.

Poppa & Ai had gud long daze 2gedder cuz of sumting called "moryul day."  Enny waze, Poppa stayed home & Ai got 2 go outdoors indoors outdoors indoors outdoors indoors outdoors  indoors outdoors indoors outdoors indoors outdoors indoors outdoors  indoors outdoor.

Mom wurked da garden. She changed da waterpump on da pool--she sat it up skrait-- so Herman dint have nuttin' 2 sit on in da middle of it. Saw him sittin' on da side sunnin' on a brick. Ai thot Ai cud get outside 2 talk 2 him 'bout a song Ai herd him song 'bout me but by da time Ai cud get outside der was no Herman.  Later Mom sawd Mr. Tubbs outside. He run away w'en she came out 2 turn on da rain wiggler. Ai wuz wunnering if Mr. Tubbs knowed wher Herman was. W'en Ai went outsie agin, Ai called 4 Mr. Tubbs but he wuz not aroun' nowheres. Next day, 2. No Herman. No Tubbs. Hohum. Jus' me & Poppa in da yard. & da evul skurls sayin' bad words up in da oak tree.

Yesserday b4 da sun come up---mai favrit time of day--Ai heared sumbuddy crokin' a happy burfday song.
 Ai heared it wuz yore burfday, u crezzy ol' cat
Hope u dint tink Ai 4got abot dat
Ai alwayz haz 2 kno jus' where u ar
So we kin only talk from afar
Iz best dat way 'cuz u kin bet
Ai'm 1 frog who dun wanna be et.
Happy burfday cat Happy burfday Bob!
Happy burfday cat Happy burfday Bob!

Ai sez, "Hey Herman, wher u been?" He sez it was 2 hot & der wuz not euff water in our pool b4 Mom made de rain wigglies make rain in da garden so he wuz sumplace in da canal way over where Ai can't go.Ai ask him wher dat is but he won't tell me. Sez its a seekrit frog club ting & Ai wud hav 2 be kilt if Ai knowed abot it. Hmmm.
O, well, Ai had nice burfday. Everbuddy on mai facebook wuz sayin' happy burday to me. Mai gurl cudn't come home yesserday but she will be here 2day. She will brush mai fur & Ai will play & nap n her room. Can't wait.

Herman was back!