
Sunday, July 15, 2012

He Reeely Lieks Me

Hello ebberbuddee. Tihs is Winston, agin. Mr. Bob acts liek he's ignoring me sumtiems but he reely lieks me. At nite Ai kik a catnip mows nex 2 him & he kiks it bak. If Ai tag him on teh hallway & next fing u kno we R runnin' up & down teh hall chasin' eech udder's tails. He will nebber admit it arown hyoomins, btu he lieks me. Ai kno it.

Wen Poppa is home, he hangs owt wif Poppa. He dont liek me being on Mom's lap so he will wlak away wit his nose in teh air. He sez fings we cat's kin heer each udder say--liek wen he calls me a big baby & tells me Ai stink. But wen we R alone he meks sher Ai has food & he plays wit me& lets me play wif his catnip mowses.

Yah, he's not foolin' ennybuddee.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Mai Mom iz Bak & Udder Mew Cat Songs

Mai Mom iz Bak

Mai Mom iz bak & she's gonna B in trubble!
Hey nonny nah, mai Mom iz bak!
Win best git bak Ai'm gonna pop him like a bubble,
Hey nonny nah, mai Mom iz bak!
Mom, u kno U shu'n't grieve me.
Mom, u kno u shu'n't lee'mee.

Well, Ai'm a big boy now but Ai lieks 2 B N charge now.
Wah ooooo! Wah ooooo!
And wit' mai PetGurl heer U kno Ai'm livin' large now.
Wah ooooo!
Cant u see?!

Ai'll leev u a poopee w'eneva Ai gits angry.
Hey nonny nah, mai Mom iz bak!
And blok Win's bowl when big boy gits hungry.
Hey nonny nah, mai Mom iz bak!
Hey, Ai'm not interrogatin'
But w'ern teh wurl is Poppa waitin'?
Well, Ai'm a big boy now but Ai dont liek no surprises!
Wah ooooo! Wah oooo!
I'll leev fur on his pillo & thro teh kitteh eyes
Wah oooo!
He wont be mad at me!

Yeah mai Mom is bak! 
Yeah, mai wurl's on trak
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, Mom is heer!
Onlee Poppa haz sum'n 2 feer
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,Mom is bak!
eah, yeah, yeah, yeah,Mom is bak!


Gonna b a revolooshun of goggies & cats
Whachoo fink abot taht?
Finkin' 'bot a gud salooshun. Oh, boys & gurls
We jus' wanna change teh wurl
To a plays w'er on ebbr corner
Is a gud resposibul pet owner
Ebbry fing is gonna be alright
If ebbry animal kin be alright

Tihs is not a mew ideer, it jus' meks a betta wurl
Havin' pets nootered & spayed, teh boys & teh girls
So owr numbers  dont spiral
N2 a homeless pet exploshun now
And hav us roamin' from home. Anyhow
Ebery fing is gonna be alright
If u do tihs fur U & me

Mooie Mooie

(Tune of Louie, Louie)

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

Well mai mom tol' me jus' teh udder day
Not 2 hang rown teh ceral bowl & play
'Cuz eben 'tho Ai liek it  & it smell so gud
Milk dont do a cats body enny gud!

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

Well Ai di'nt lissen 2 w'at Mmom sed
And Ai decided 2 go ahed
And lap up teh white stuff enny how
U kno w'at Ai meen: the stuff from teh cow

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

Well mai tummy felt so gud fur a little while
And all ov a sudden ebber fing went wild
Mai tummy started moovin on it's own
Frum deep wiffin in Ai herd a reel lowd groan!

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

Ai ran 2 teh bak room quik ez a fox
Fownd teh door closed 2 mai litta box
Mai poor ol' tummy was carryin' a load
And just liek St. Helen Ai start 2 Xplode!

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

Mom frowed me owtsides fur a week & a day
'Cuz she had cleen up a big mess taht day
So lissen 2 me & heer me now
Cow's milk is made jus' fur baby cows!

Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.
No,no, no, no!
Ai sed a-mooie mooie! O' baby ur no gud fer me.(ugh!)
No, no, no, no!

  • tell peepuls 2 fink abopping a older pet liek me--kitteh OR goggie is gud! 
  •  hug ur anipal if u haz 1
  •  talk 2 Ceiling Cat 2day & ebber day~Bob

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4 OJ

We hadda a mice Forf o Joolye.   4chunittly owr frens Rumpy Dog & June Buggie teh cat posted sum reminers fur pet safety. So we stayed safe--even Poppa.  Poppa dont liek firewurks eder so he satys N fur the 4 OJ & Mew Years. Mom & PetGurl went 2 see a mooovee. We wuz alrite b'cuz ther wuznt a lot of nayberhood firewurks. Jus' a li'l bit fa away. Iz illeegul eny ways, but peepuls who wanna see nice forewurks kin go downtown on the Miss Sippi Levee & see profeshnul show wich iz betta & sayfer.

Me & Poppa had gud tiem waching crime shows. Ai liek crime show wif Poppa. W'en we come owt teh back, Winston come owt but he dont liek crime shows. He sat on Mom's spot on the sofa, keepin' it warm 'til she git bak. Sumtiem he run unner the kichum tabul if me & Poppa come owt the bak 2 fas'. If Poppa hav a stinky stik Ai go owtsides wif him, jus' 2 the catio & my poopy spot N teh bakyard.

W'en Mom git bak, Winston jump on her lap liek she been gone fur days. What a big baby!

  • tell peepuls 2 fink abopping a older pet liek me--kitteh OR goggie is gud! 
  •  hug ur anipal if u haz 1
  •  talk 2 Ceiling Cat 2day & ebber day~Bob