Teh summa haz ben mixd up fur me. Teh start had me frowing up moar. Ai haz sum speshul food whut Ai duz not liek. Mom got teh nuggets kine but Ai duznt liek taht so much needer. So Ai tries 2 sneek Wimphead's fude. Ai kin jis glare at him & he will moov, cuz Ai am FURS CAT!!!
Mom & Poppa cot on 2 taht trik & started feeding him at a diffurnt tiem Or, in teh case of Mom, who haz moar payshins, stand rite tehre & wach me eat mai noms.But when Wimphead moovs Ai eat his fude enyways. Mom haz started mixing medicine fude wiht teh reglar stuff so Ai will eet moor ov it.
Ai also has mai arfritis aking up moar so Ai haz to keep mai bones warm on Poppa or on teh catio cement. Sumtiems in mai favrit lawn cher next 2 Poppa's. Poppa iz teh only wun in teh hows who lieks a cold, cold hows.
Well, Ai haz 2 go nak owtsides now fur warming mai bones. Ow! Mai lef shoulder hurts!
~Emperor Bob