
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ehhhhh, La Bas, Chers!

Dis be Winston sneekin' up, Chers on Mista Bob's blog. Heh, heh! Ah noes Ah gits on Bob's nuhvs sumtiem, Chers. He not liek mah face, mah Cajun meow aksent he say Ah gots me an' he not liek mah apputteet--mais Ah be hungry so much, yeah! Ah figgas if Ah goes 2 da kichen ever tiem Mom or Poppa goes in der, Ah'm bound 2 git a treet, yeah! Mebbe dey drops sum'n or Ah giv'em da sweet eye fur mebbe dey giv me sum'n. Mais dat's a chance Ah gotta take an' ez we say don hea in Sowth Loosianna BON CHANCE!

Mom try 2 keep us apart pour dejeuner, mais Bob be hangin' wif Poppa w'en Poppa home. Tehy wach dem criminal shows on the tv.  Ah stiks wit Mom, yeah.

Wall, Ah heers Mista Bob comin'. Gotta run, mes amis!

Oh, BTW, Urnge cats rool, yeah! Aaaiiee!


1 comment:

  1. MEOW! Ya got that right about orange kitties! -June Buggie
